Simply Complicated


As knowledge increases, complications also increase. Life becomes complicated because we try to understand and make sense out of each and everything we see, feel or hear. We over analyze situations trying to find reasoning behind it. Just let it be. You won’t find the reason behind why? yet…Why Do We Still Ask Why?

Not everyone realizes it, but life is actually very simple. We make it complicated. Not intentionally, but it just so happens that way. Emotions, we develop them. Situations, we create them. Relationships, we indulge in them unfairly. Commitments, we make them. We do it all. We are responsible for our actions, and we are the ones to blame for all the complications we create.

Key to living a simple life is by enjoying it.. to be carefree of any judgments, and living life to the fullest.

Simply Indulge and Embrace life’s complications, its the only way you will get ahead.